Sanitation Solutions
Advanced and sustainable solutions in the treatment of effluents for the reuse of water, meeting environmental demands and contributing to the preservation of water resources.

Our Wastewater
Treatment Services
Technical and environmental assessment to understand the water cycle in your enterprise.
GRP products manufactured using Filament Winding and Pultrusion processes.
Sell Online
Store available 24 hours a day with exclusive discounts with delivery and installation throughout Brazil
Ongoing monitoring and maintenance services to ensure optimal performance.
Available in versions: 1600 and 3500

Elevator ETE
They play a fundamental role in effluent management, especially in areas where the topography presents challenges. In its advantages we highlight: Overcoming Differences: Lifting stations are designed to transport sewage from lower areas to higher locations, ensuring that the flow of effluents reaches the treatment systems efficiently. Energy Efficiency: With the right technology, lift stations can be optimized to consume less energy, using efficient pumps and automated control systems. Odor Reduction: By keeping sewage moving and preventing stagnation, lift stations minimize the release of unpleasant odors into adjacent areas. Project Flexibility: They can be designed to integrate into different urban or rural contexts, adapting to different needs and sewage network configurations. Monitoring and Control: Equipped with real-time monitoring systems, allowing early detection of failures and better operational management
Sisnate in Numbers
Communities served
ETE's throughout Brazil
32 years on the market
Users served